Any questions? Just contact us!
Information on this website is subject to change without prior notice. Information on this website represents current knowledge from January 29th, 2018.
News |
01.12.2017, 12:00
The last days many emails have reached us with the question for a kind of "reservation" of the early bird rate as people want to come, but do not have the clearance from work yet. We have therefore decided it... mehr
25.10.2017, 15:31
We are happy to announce that we have added Dr. Emily Cohen with her thesis „From head to heart: The effects of fetal growth restriction and preterm birth on the cerebral and systemic circulation“ and Dr.... mehr
11.08.2017, 11:48
Our website just got online and we are very excited to bring you great workshops and learning experiences! mehr
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Organized by Childrens Hospital St. Marien gGmbH, Grillparzerstreet 9, 84036 Landshut, Germany
Munich Neocon -
Workshops aEEG and NIRS
March 23rd-25th 2018
Le Meridien Munich, Germany